Acting on behalf of the Catesby Property Group, DPDS Consulting Group have secured outline planning permission on appeal for a residential development on an unallocated greenfield site on the edge of the attractive and historic Dorset market town of Sherborne.
The application site comprises 2.2 hectares of agricultural land located south of the A30, west of the Sherborne Hotel and north of existing properties on Bradford Road Sherborne.
The development proposes up to 35 dwellings together with associated landscaping, open spaces and a SUDS attenuation feature.
DPDS worked as part of the Catesby team to prepare the proposal, assist with the co-ordination of a public exhibition and submit the outline planning application. Comprehensive promotion through the emerging West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan was also carried out which included detailed housing land supply analysis.
Despite the planning application receiving little technical objection and a recommendation for approval by Planning Officers, the scheme was refused in December 2014.
In response to the refusal DPDS submitted a revised planning application and an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. The revised planning application significantly narrowed the reasons for refusal and the Inspector was able to conclude on the basis of evidence presented by the Catesby team that the development is sustainable and should be allowed to proceed.
Christopher Lindley of DPDS who acted as agent for the appeal and planning applications appeared at the Hearing for Catesby Property Group along with leading barrister Richard Harwood OBE QC of 39 Essex Street Chambers who led the team.
The full appeal decision can be read here.