Urban Design & Masterplanning
During the past couple of decades, urban design has become a much more important element of the planning decision-making system. Clear demonstration of the site evaluation and appraisal combined with appropriate masterplans and design and access statements are now required to accompany most planning applications for development.
Our particular approach is to use a comprehensive design process that links urban design to architectural detail in a co-ordinated response. The inherent qualities of a site and the surrounding context provide a firm basis for an informed design solution.
Our integrated Masterplanning, Town Planning and Landscape Architecture team combines a wealth of land promotion and development experience, it brings together a complementary skill set capable of maximising development opportunities. We have wide experience of brownfield and greenfield development ranging from infill within conservation areas to the extensive growth of major urban areas. We also have a large portfolio of public realm, regeneration and improvement schemes within commercial and retail centres and sensitive conservation areas.
Our services include:
- Masterplanning and development frameworks
- Urban regeneration strategies
- Development briefs
- Design and access statements
- Character appraisals
- Public realm strategies
- Design guides
- Landscape design
- Architectural design