- Registered information: For a UK registered business, the website needs to display the Company Information i.e. the business name, place of registration, registered number, registered office address and if it is a member of a trade association. For sole traders and partnerships, the address of the principle place of business must be displayed.
- Privacy Policy: A Privacy policy or data protection notice must be displayed on the website if data is processed and must inform the user what the data is used for and that it is compliant with the Data Protection Act 1988. The Privacy Policy must also explain what cookies will be created and their purpose.
- Disclaimer: Visitors to a website can use the information published on it to the extent stipulated in the disclaimer. This document should also state that the website owner does not accept any liability that may arise from using or downloading information from the website.
- EU Anti Spam Laws: To conform to EU Anti Spam Laws, ensure that email lists are only of ‘opt-in’ email addresses, and always include an ‘opt-out’ instruction on all marketing emails.