Westmill Wind Farm, Swindon
DPDS were instructed in 2001 by Adam Twine to secure planning permission for 5 wind turbines on agricultural land near Watchfield.
The site is a visually exposed area of open countryside to the north of the A420.
The application attracted a large number of local objections, including several from parish councils. However, DPDS was able to address their concerns and to convince the Vale of White Horse District Council of the substantial benefits of the proposal.
The Council subsequently granted approval in 2005 for the wind farm after a Section 106 agreement had been completed.
DPDS Involvement
- Scoping Report for Environmental Impact Assessment
- Preparation and submission of planning application and Environmental Statement
- Negotiations on behalf of client in respect of planning obligations and legal agreements
- Speaking on behalf of client at Planning Committee
- Identification of likely environmental impacts (landscape, noise etc.)
- Successful application for planning permission.