Derbyshire Fire and Rescue

DPDS are retained as planning consultants by Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service in respect of their landholdings throughout the County of Derbyshire. DPDS have advised the Fire & Rescue Service on a number of matters and promoted sites and protected their interests through the Local Plan process.

More recently DPDS have advised specifically on the proposed disposal and redevelopment of seven fire station sites throughout the County taking part in detailed negotiations with the Local Planning Authorities relating to suitable uses and preparing detailed appraisal of each site recommended proposed uses based on existing planning constraints.

As part of the appraisals DPDS have coordinated the preparation of a number of technical assessments including Arboriculture, Transport, Ecology and Flood Risk to support their conclusions.

DPDS Involvement

  • Promoting the site through the submission of representations to the evolving Local Development Framework and ongoing discussions with local planning officers
  • Preparation of planning appraisals
  • Lead consultant co-ordinating a multi-disciplinary team preparing technical reports in support of site appraisals
  • Attending meetings with client, relevant statutory bodies, local planning authorities and project team

Business Sector:




Town Planning

Project Co-ordination