DPDS Consulting Group working on behalf of private landowner clients has secured outline planning permission for the 350-home proposal at Abbey Farm, off Lady Lane and Tadpole Lane, Swindon.
In addition to the 350 new homes, there is provision for a two form entry Primary School and recreation area along with public open spaces and a retail outlet.
Council Officers having looked at the application, which went through several alterations, came to the conclusion that on balance the proposals brought significant benefits to the town and so recommended it for approval by the Swindon Borough Council’s Planning Committee at a meeting held on the 10th March 2015.
Speaking at the meeting, Les Durrant of DPDS Consulting, acting on behalf of the applicant, said: “We believe that the total package offered in this application is a unique opportunity to provide a high quality environment.”
“This came together after a very extensive public consultation and I would like to thank the residents and ward members who have helped. We have tried to meet all reasonable requests put to us.”
After the meeting, Les commented further: “this is a terrific outcome – a great credit to everybody who worked on the professional team on this project. It is no mean feat to take a greenfield, unallocated site of this size from nowhere to an outline planning permission without having to go through an appeal and a Public Inquiry, particularly with the scheme being EIA development and other organisations involved in the decision making process. The result is richly deserved for all the hard work everybody has put in.”