DPDS Consulting Group have secured outline planning permission for the Ministry of Justice on its surplus landholding south of HMP Deerbolt, on the edge of the historic market town of Barnard Castle.
The site comprises 2.63 hectares of redundant operational land to the south of the Young Offenders Institution. The illustrative masterplan prepared by DPDS Architecture received positive comments from the Council’s planning officers and envisages up to 75 dwellings with associated open space.
DPDS have led the professional team associated with the promotion of the site from its early inception. This has included comprehensive development plan promotion culminating in the site being a preferred allocation in the emerging County Durham Plan. Further inputs have included organising a public exhibition to secure positive comments from local residents and stakeholders prior to the preparation and submission of the comprehensive planning application to County Durham Council.
Following a resolution by the Council to grant planning permission subject to the signing of a Section 106 legal agreement, DPDS negotiated a reduction in affordable housing to be provided on the site to ensure delivery of the scheme by a national housebuilder.
The development is now quickly heading into the “reserved matters” phase with activity expected on site in the coming months.