Acting on behalf of the Catesby Property Group, DPDS Consulting Group have submitted an outline planning application to West Dorset District Council for residential development on a landholding on the edge of the attractive Dorset market town of Sherborne.
The application site comprises 2.2 hectares of agricultural land located south of the A30, west of the Sherborne Hotel and north of existing properties on Bradford Road Sherborne.
The development proposes up to 35 dwellings together with associated landscaping, open spaces, SUDS attenuation feature and noise attenuation bunds
DPDS have worked as part of the Catesby team to prepare the proposal, assist with the co-ordination of a public exhibition and then submit the outline planning application.
Comprehensive promotion of the site is continuing through the emerging West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan.
A decision is anticipated in the latter part of 2014.