DPDS is delighted to be part of the team who have successfully secured planning permission for 160 dwellings in North East Derbyshire on appeal on behalf of Persimmon Homes Nottingham and Hallam Land Management.

The appeal related to an application for approval of Reserved Matters and a separate full planning application for the same development.  The main issues at the appeal related to the effects of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area and whether the layout and design of the scheme was acceptable.

There were also issues in relation to whether the development plan policies most important to the proposal were out-of-date and if so, whether any adverse impacts of the development would significantly and demonstrably outweigh its benefits – this was particularly pertinent in respect of the full application given the site’s location outside settlement development limits.

Whilst the Inspector concluded that the proposal would conflict with the housing policies within the plan, he gave these policies limited weight to due to the conflict with the NPPF.

He did, however, consider that the proposal was in accordance with the design policies of the Local Plan and therefore the benefits of the scheme would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the harm and, as whole, was considered sustainable development.

The full appeal decisions can be downloaded and read here.